All children are expected to wear our school uniform which is:
- a royal blue sweatshirt or cardigan with our St. Mary's Logo.
- dark grey trousers or grey skirt (or pinafore)
- white polo shirt or shirt
- grey socks or tights
- black school shoes- not trainers
In the summer, pupils may wear:
- a blue and white checked dress or;
- grey shorts and white polo shirt/shirt
- black closed toe sandals.
Watches and small stud earrings are permitted, but for safety reasons jewellery must be removed (or earrings taped) for P.E. lessons. Hair touching the shoulders needs to be tied back and hair accessories must be discrete and grey/blue/white school colours.
For P.E lessons, the children come into schools wearing a pale blue St. Mary's PE t-shirt, navy or black shorts and plimsolls or trainers (with the exception of nursery children, who do not need to wear PE kit). They then wear their usual St. Mary's Jumper over the top as needed.
In the winter months, black or navy jogging bottoms or leggings may be worn instead of their PE shorts.